I’m Jenny, an executive coach and fundraising professional who helps not-for-profit leaders change the world…one mission at a time!
My love of working with passionate people guided me from a career as a classical pianist into leadership coaching. I draw on my years as a professional musician: I strive to bring creativity, energy and excellence to everything I do.
I have worked with hundreds of CEOs, executive directors, and high-profile executives on boards of directors across Canada and have helped clients raise millions of dollars for their missions that matter.
My favorite part of my job is working alongside the incredible people who make up the not-for-profit sector: the staff and boards who work every day to make the world a better place. I believe that the not-for-profit sector levels the playing field for humanity, and that mindset and leadership skills play a pivotal role in our ability to create change on the planet where we all live.
My best skills? I am crazy curious, and I love connecting with people on a deep, personal level.
Learn more about me by watching the video below, and by signing up for the #FundraisingMojo blog. You can check out my podcast called Your Next 50. I started the podcast during the pandemic with my best friend and fellow coach Sylvia Otvos. On the show we invite listeners to play big, to conquer those limiting money stories, and to play big and live the abundant life that we desire.
I look forward to helping you rekindle your mojo as you strive for excellence, every day, in every way.
Jenny Mitchell, CFRE, CEC, DMA