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Don’t let your online page screw up in December!

Don’t let your online page screw up in December!

I just got an amazing letter from the Canadian Museum of Nature in my inbox. Awesome! the first line was:

If only you could see their eyes.

They crane their necks, stand on their tiptoes and press their noses against the glass. They are quiet…respectful… Their young minds seem to grow right before you.

It is inspiring and it will continue to happen with a goodwill gesture from you.

And then what happened? I clicked the link to donate, and made my donation and got hung on the checkout line. AUGGGHH. Am I going to call in to fix it? No, I don’t have time.

DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN to your organization!!! All that hard work into an amazing letter, and no return on investment.

Food for thought.