04 May When Your Job Feels Like a Slog
Feeling like a grump at work? Can’t get yourself out of a negative headspace?
This is a problem! You can’t pitch opportunities and possibilities as a leader with a head full of apathy, or worse . . . negativity!
You can’t control other people’s behaviours. The only thing you can control is how you show up at work.
Here are 5 things you can do right now to get yourself groovin’ with possibilities again.
- SING—Crank the radio on the way to work. Put on your favorite “feel good” song and belt it out, baby! You’ll feel better, you’ll get those endorphins moving, and you’ll be ready for anything when you hit the office.
- Go for a walk—If you’re stuck in a rut, get outside and get some air. Clear your head, and let the ideas and solutions flow. Take a break from your desk, from the people around you. What’s your gut telling you about the problem? Trust yourself to give you the answer you need.
- Call a colleague—Book lunch (or drinks!) with a friend in the not-for-profit sector. Share your challenge. Ask for advice, and be sure to LISTEN to what they suggest. Talking things through is a great way to find some traction on your problem.
- Take a day off—Sometimes the best thing to do with a problem is to step away. If you can’t take today off, then book a day in your calendar that you CAN take off. Something in the near future. Plan what you’re going to do and start looking forward to it. Use that day as a “hook” to get a few things accomplished in the office. (i.e. “When I get X done, I’m going to reward myself by doing Y.”)
- Be creative—This is my personal favorite way to get re-invigorated. What artsy thing do you love to do . . . but haven’t been doing since you got your not-for-profit job. Painting? Drawing? Knitting? Sewing? Gardening? Find something to completely immerse yourself in. You’ll feel refreshed and revitalized.
Your headspace matters.
You can’t control how others show up at work, but you sure as heck can control how YOU show up.
Own it.
Find a way to get out of your slump. And when you’re out of the slump, reflect back.
- What was it that triggered your apathy?
- Can you see a pattern there?
- How can you change this pattern for next time?