29 days. That’s all that’s left between now, and Tuesday December 2
nd - #GivingTuesdayCA. Why should you, as a busy not-for-profit professional, care?
Well, for starters, anything that moves up the start of the giving season is a good thing in my books. Rather than waiting till the holiday season to “talk giving” with your wonderful donors, you can give them a date and a time to celebrate the “opening of giving season!”
Time-strapped and story-short? Do not despair! This is the best part about #GivingTuesdayCA. It is not meant to keep you up at night giving you ulcers, it is meant to underpin or enhance your EXISTING strategies that you have put in place for annual giving.
Here’s three not-for-profit profiles, and three engagement strategies to incorporate WITHOUT a ton of effort. Scroll down to the profile that best describes you, and read through the plan.