This is the second blog post in a series of 6 entitled the Fundraiser Mindset. You can read my post on Discipline here.

Strategic is one of those words that gets bounced around at staff meetings and retreats. It comes loaded with different meaning (and baggage!) depending on who is using it.
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Game of Thrones title card | Copyright HBO[/caption]
There's this great scene in Game of Thrones that defines strategic for me. The bad guys have ladders, and they’re climbing up and over the fortress wall. The good guys have a choice to a) shoot the guy coming over the wall or b) shoot the ladder so that no more bad guys climb over the wall. Option a is the
tactical move—shoot the guy that is threatening your safety. Option b is the
strategic move—position yourself differently so that you can save time, be more efficient and work smarter to kill future bad guys.
Smart fundraisers work strategically. We don’t have the time or resources available to us to shoot bad guys individually. ← Tweet this